Adin Fathi


Except for error 404, how much do you know about other HTML error pages? Have you ever wondered what happens behind HTML error pages? These codes convey important information to the user; Especially if you are a website owner, it is better to know about common codes and errors and by using this data correctly, reduce users' bounce rate and improve search engine ranking and get information about your website performance.

10 Common HTTP Errors

HTTP errors occur when there is a problem on the client or server side or both. Knowing these errors will help users and website owners to better manage and access the website.

Except for error 404, how much do you know about other HTML error pages? Have you ever wondered what happens behind HTML error pages? These codes convey important information to the user; Especially if you are a website owner, it is better to know about common codes and errors and by using this data correctly, reduce users' bounce rate and improve search engine ranking and get information about your website performance.
Understand status codes

Behind every error page you see on the web is the HTTP status code that the web server sends. Status codes are sent in three-digit numeric format. The first digit of the category specifies the status code:

1XX: The purpose of these codes is to inform the user.
2XX: Indicates success.
3XX: Indicates a diversion.

None of these three categories lead to an HTML error page; Because in these examples, the client knows what to do and will no doubt continue to do so. Users are usually faced with 4XX and 5XX codes:

4XX: Indicates client-side errors.
5XX: Indicates server-side errors.

If the above code is displayed, error pages are displayed; But when these errors occur, what happens in the background and how can these problems be solved?

Client Side Errors (4XX)
1. 400 Bad Request

When the client sends a request that is not intended for the server, a 400 Bad Request error is displayed on the screen. This error usually occurs when the data submitted by the browser does not follow the rules of the HTTP protocol; As a result, the web server has no idea about request processing including incomplete instructions.

The reason the 400 error screen is displayed is because something on the client part is probably unstable. This error could be due to an operating system that is not secure or due to an unstable internet connection or a faulty browser or a cache problem. Therefore, we always recommend that you test your PC before connecting to the Website. Open the page in another browser, clear the cache, and check for security updates. If you regularly encounter 400 errors on various websites, you need to back up your security.

2. 401 Authorization Required

When the client request ends on a page with a password, the server publishes the 401 Authorization Required error code. 401 does not send the classic error message all at once; Instead, a pop-up window will appear asking the user to enter the password login (Login, Password).

If you have the password to enter the page you want, everything goes well and you can log in and access the website without any problems; Otherwise, you will be taken to the Authorization Required error page. If you own a website, you can add a password feature through your cPanel account. Click the Password Protect Directories submenu in the Security menu box and select the desired web folder. This feature can be used as a security layer to restrict access to the admin section and wp-admin folders on the WordPress website.

3. 403 Forbidden

If the server does not clearly understand the client request and for some reason refuses to execute it, you will encounter a 403 Forbidden error page. This error is neither an authentication problem nor incomplete information. In this error, the server rejects the client request without any explanation. The most common reason for this problem is that the website owner does not allow visitors to browse the file directory structure of the website. When this security feature is enabled, you will not be able to access the website folders directly. Another common reason for this problem is that the client request file is unauthorized and cannot be accessed via the web.

You can enable security error 403 for your website. This feature is useful when you want to protect your website from hacking attacks by hiding files and folders. Fortunately, many web hosts provide this service to their clients by default; But to add another layer of security, open your cPanel account and go to the Advanced menu and click on Index Manager. In this section, you can customize how you visit a specific folder on your website. If you select No Indexing, the client will encounter a 403 error page after trying to access the folder.

4. 404 Not Found

404 is the most common and well-known HTTP status code. The browser displays this page when the server does not find the client request. The two main scenarios are the 404 Not Found page:

The first scenario occurs when the visitor typed the URL incorrectly.
The second scenario occurs when the permalink structure of the website has changed and the inbound links point to pages that have been moved to other locations.

Error 404 pages sometimes appear on prominent URLs. This error usually occurs when the website has just been moved to another web server and the DNS is still pointing to its previous location. This problem usually resolves after a short time.

Many SEO experts believe that a large number of 404 errors can have a negative effect on a website's search engine ranking. However, according to Google, 404 errors do not affect Google rankings and you can ignore them; Because these errors are a normal part of the web and search engines. However, you may want to reduce the number of errors to reduce the bounce rate (leaving the website to users). The most common way to reduce these errors is to use 301 paths for deleted pages and 302 paths for temporarily unavailable pages.

5. 408 Request Time Out

When the client request takes a long time, the server time expires and the connection closes. In this case, the browser displays a 408 Request Time-Out error message. Expiration occurs when the server does not receive a complete request from the client within the specified waiting time. 408 consecutive errors occur when there is a heavy workload on the server or client system.

Sometimes both sides of the connection work properly; But temporary internet fluctuations slow down the message delivery process. Larger websites typically customize 408 error pages. 408 errors can be corrected by reloading the page with the f5 key.

6. 410 Gone

The 410 Gone error screen is very close to the famous 404 error, both of which mean that the server does not find the request file. Although 404 indicates that the target file is located somewhere on the server, the 410 error is rooted in a permanent problem. Error 410 indicates to the client that the requested resource is deliberately unavailable and the website owner wants to remove inbound links from the web. In contrast, 404 occurs when the server is unsure of permanent file deletion; But 410 is more certain. If you own a website, it is important to understand the difference between 404 and 410 errors and how Google Crawlers treat them differently.

Server side errors (5XX)
1. 500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error is the most common server side error and occurs when the server encounters unexpected conditions that prevent the client request from being executed. Error code 500 is of general type. Although in this example the problem is not from the client side, it can be solved by actions such as reloading the page (due to temporary error) and clearing the browser cache (due to this problem with the cached version of the website) and removing browser cookies and restarting. You can also contact your webmaster (like many other server-side issues).

If you encounter a 500 error page on your website, it is best to contact your hosting provider. One reason for this error could be a license error or a corrupted .htaccess file or a small memory limit. If you have WordPress, the reason for the 500 error could be add-ons. To detect this problem, disable the plugins one by one to find the culprit plugin.

2. 502 Bad Gateway

502 error message indicates communication problem between two servers. This error occurs when a client connected to the server acts as a gateway or proxy that requires access to the Upstream server and provides more services. This server is located at the top of the server hierarchy and can be, for example, an Apache web server that can be accessed through a proxy server, or it can be a large Internet service provider that can be accessed through a Local Name Server.

When you encounter a Bad Gateway error page, the server receives an invalid response from the Upstream server. In most cases, this message does not mean the server is down; Instead, the two servers may not agree on how to exchange data. This error usually occurs when one of the machines is incorrectly configured or programmed. In this case, contact your hosting provider.

3. 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

You will receive a Service Temporarily Unavailable error message if there is a temporary overhead on the server or during scheduled maintenance. Error code 503 means that the web server is not currently available. This situation is usually temporary and will resolve after a slight delay. If you own a website, you should have enough information about error code 503 to be able to properly control the scheduled maintenance of the website. If you do not control scheduled maintenance well, the ranking of the website in the search engine will decline.

4. 504 Gateway Time Out

Gateway Time Out Error Just like error code 502 Bad Gateway refers to a server-to-server error problem. When error code 503 appears, there is a higher level server in the background that sends the data to the server connected to the client. This error occurs when the lower level server does not receive a timely response from the higher level server.

The 504 error is similar to the 408 Request Time Out error, except that it does not occur between the client and the server; Rather, it occurs between two servers in the background. The Gateway Time Out error screen usually indicates slow communication between two servers and can occur when the server is at a lower level.

Because error 504 is a network error in the background, only those who have access to the network can fix it. Sometimes, like other server-side errors, the problem can be solved by refreshing the page. Of course, this situation occurs when the service providers have also solved the problem on the server side.

Source: Zomit


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